This week was a super sweet week at our school.
It was Kindness Week! Rather than having Anti-Bullying Week, we had a positive twist on it and it was so much more fun that way. Each day, there was something special about that day that my school put on.
Monday: Being Kind Is Cool (Wear sunglasses)
Tuesday: Kindness Notes (Students from our Student Lighthouse Team came around to each class to talk about kindness and also gave out kindness notepads with our school name and mascot). The notes will be hung up in the hallway on a giant heart.
Wednesday: I’m so nice, I even dress nice (Students weear fancy clothes). By far, my fave. I had girls in Christmas dresses and little flower girl princess dresses and boys in vests and ties. Totally adorable.
Thursday: Facepaint- Student Lighthouse Team came around to each class to paint (with a sponge) a star on each child’s cheek. It was to remind them to be kind, even when they don’t exactly feel like being kind.
Friday: Rainbow Day- each grade level is assigned a color and together we synergized to make a large schoolwide rainbow.
Here’s some other activities that we’ve done in my classroom to go along with the kindness theme…
After reading this quote on a friend’s instagram, I knew it was perfect timing and I had to use in my classroom that day. So, excuse the really quick handwriting for the quote, but I had to make it super fast that morning before the kids came in. We sat down together on the carpet and had a whole conversation about what this quote meant. Then, we discussed ways to be kind and charted them. Each student that had an idea got to sign their name next to their idea.
Note my favorite… “Give confetti.” Too precious to not include.
We also tried to do a random act of kindness each day. Basically, we made cards for someone every day with sweet little notes inside. One day, we made cards for our kindergarten teachers. When they were finished, we walked together as a class down the hallway to each kindergarten room so that the kids could deliver them personally. I also took pictures of them with their kindergarten teacher.
They also made cards for their reading buddies (our fifth grade friends… They even got a sucker!), family, best friends, etc.
We also made a kindness chain for the week. Each time someone witnessed someone in our class being kind, he/she wrote it down on a link. Here’s our chain so far…
The kids are hoping we make it long enough that it will go clear across our room eventually. ๐
We also used the We Are Kind Kids pack from A Year Of Many Firsts. They totally loved “applying” to be part of the Kind Kids Club. Of course, they all were accepted!
I know that the pack is more of a winter theme, but the kids didn’t mind at all. It’s getting chillier here in Missouri and so therefore, they didn’t think anything of it! We had to bust our coats out a little this week too ๐
To end this post, here’s a snapshot of our school-wide rainbow! What a way to synergize!
Remember, kindness matters. ๐