A Fun Way To Do Show and Tell in November
Thankful Bags are a great way to incorporate Show And Tell in November. If you aren’t the “show and tell” type (I’m not), then this is a great way to fit it in so that your kids stop asking you if they can have Show And Tell. That was what was happening in my classroom. At least twice a week, my first graders were asking me if we could do show and tell, and then they would bring stuff in for show and tell even though I said, “no we don’t do show and tell.”
In November, we were reading Junie B. Jones: Turkeys We Have Loved And Eaten (And Other Thankful Stuff) (affiliate link). In the book, all the students bring in something they are thankful for in a bag. Then, they get to show and tell the item. A lightbulb went off. It was exactly what we needed in my classroom.
I stapled the notes to brown paper bags after letting students decorate and color the bags. I had them draw different things they were thankful for. Some did and some just drew stuff (#firstgradelife). We sent them home to be returned the week of Thanksgiving since we go to school the Monday and Tuesday of that week. We shared half the class on Monday and half the class on Tuesday. After, they wrote about their item and why they’re thankful for it.
Get The Tags For Free
So, if you are interested in using these thankful bags for show and tell, I have the tag as a freebie for you! Also, I recommend reading Junie B. Jones: Turkeys We Have Loved And Eaten (And Other Thankful Stuff) because it’s hilarious and the kids bring in the funniest things. Click here to download the tags. Or, click the picture below!