Today was the 14th day of school and it’s already September. It’s so weird. Where is the school year going already?
I’m excited to link up with Farley from Oh Boy 4th Grade for her monthly linky party, Currently.
Here’s what I’m currently up to:
Listening: Always to Friends, I feel like. Like every time I post a Currently post.
Loving: I’m at a new district, new school, and so obviously with a new team this year. 3 of the 4 of us are new to the team and the four of us get along so well. I look forward to work everyday and look forward to collaboratively working together every single day. This team has had such a positive impact on my teaching and I’m so thankful. #mycuprunnethover
Thinking: I happened to check The Knot app this morning before work out of curiosity of how many days were left before our wedding day and it’s 200 days from today! Meaning… Tomorrow will be under 200! Whoa! Time flies when you’re having fun 🙂
Wanting/Needing: These go hand in hand, I think. I love my job, but I also love days off 🙂 I’m looking forward to having an extra day this weekend to enjoy with my fiance and pups.
3 Goals: I always have something I want to organize. My biggest goal in that area is to organize my mentor texts so that I can find them easier… Mainly because I was trying to find Pancakes, Pancakes today and guess what… Couldn’t be found anywhere. Lame. I also need to work on scheduling things and sticking to my plan and also deciding what needs to come first. Figuring out my big rocks and small rocks is a hard task, but I need to be better at it!
Thanks for reading! I hope you’ll take the time to read some fabulous bloggers’ Currently posts that are on Farley’s post found here.
Have a great September!

I'll bet you are so relieved that your new school and team is working out for you. It's scary to move to a new place.
Krazy Town
I love Friends! I feel like I watch it almost every night before I got to bed. I am also looking forward to a three day weekend, they always seem to come just at the right time, don't they? Congratulations on being under 200 days until your wedding! On the 27th I will be married one year and let me tell you it all goes by so fast!
I am so happy your new school and new team are awesome! What a blessing! Have fun counting down to the wedding and congratulations.