My summer officially started on Friday, so I’m very excited to link up with Deanna Jump for what’s on my bucket list for the summer. I’m not completely on summer break because I am teaching summer school for the next four weeks. However, each summer school day is finished at 12:30, meaning I should be home by 1:15 at the latest every day. Not too shabby, I say!
So, here are some of the things that I am hoping to accomplish this summer!
1. Spend as much time as possible with these three:
Because I love them, that’s why!
2. Read! Oh my goodness, people, I am so excited to read a good book that has nothing to do with teaching or grad school. Usually on summer breaks, I read and read and read. Last summer, I took 11 credit hours and as you can guess, I didn’t have much free time to do anything else and when I did have free time, the last thing I wanted to do was read a book. I was already reading a ton of books for school!
So, I have my reading list started with these books:
That’s the start of my list. I really enjoy YA books. Does that make me pathetic? Do you have other suggestions? Please let me know!
3. Get myself organized. I have fallen off the organizational horse. It is quietly driving me crazy. By quietly, I mean that the Organizational Fairy inside of my head is screaming at me to get off of the couch right now and to go clean and organize, but I want to relax… So relax I will. I will be pinning organizational tips and tools for myself in our apartment and for our classroom.
I found this pin and hello, did I need that or what?
If you would like to follow my pinterest boards, you can do so by clicking here. Maybe you will find some organizational tips that you enjoy as well. Or if you have any that you would like to share, please do so!
4. Work on school stuff to get myself ahead of the game. I really enjoy working on things for school, but I know I will enjoy it more during the summer when it is at my leisure. Currently, this is what I’m working on:
5. Run 100 miles. No, not in a row. I can’t even run 10 in a row. Or 5. Or 2 without walking. I’ve really let myself get out of shape. It’s bad. I will get myself back to the gym and I will start running again.
6. Watch Netflix. I’m deeply in love with Netflix. I would like to watch Scandal this summer.
7. Spend time with friends and family. I have some friends that are having babies at the end of the summer, so I want to soak up time with them as much as I can. My BFF since 2nd grade is due in August. I am so excited for her baby shower this summer and for that little bundle of joy to come, but I also want to spend as much time with her before baby comes!
8. Royals games! Sporting KC games!
9. Take care of myself. I worried a lot this last school year and in turn, I was sick a lot. I really want to focus on taking care of myself this summer and hopefully setting myself up for a good school year… One without being sick all the time.
10. Take a trip! I’m hoping that we go somewhere this summer. We’ve had a few different groups of people ask us to go on float trips. Because I know how we are, I’m pretty sure we said yes to every group and I don’t even know if that’s possible. We get excited about life and then realize we have responsibilities about money and our pups. So, we will see! We also wanted to go to St. Louis to hang out with family and hopefully a little trip for the two of us. I really don’t know, but I hope we have the opportunity to go somewhere!
I hope all of you have a wonderful, fun-filled summer! I anticipate reading some more summer bucket lists which may inspire me to add to mine! Good luck and best wishes to those of you finishing up your school year!
Shelby - First Time Firstie says
We are such twins! I am planning on binge watching Netflix & Scandal is on my list! I've never seen it before but love Grey's & Private Practice. Also, shamefully, a YA book fan too. I started the Divergent series over Christmas Break. Finished Divergent & Insurgent, but never finished Allegient before I had to go back to school 🙁
Dittos on the running. Maybe we can be running buddies?!
First Time Firstie
Elyse R. says
I LOVE YA!! Yay! Instead of typing a super long comment, I'm going to leave you a link to my blog where I wrote about my summer reading! Hope it'll give you some more ideas 🙂
-Elyse @ A is for Apples