Hello all! This is my fourth day in a row blogging. I really must say I’m pretty proud of myself. I can’t stay away from a blog post about crafting and creating though because I absolutely love to create. Maybe it’s something about me being a pisces. I think pisces people are supposed to be creative people. So, I’m linking up again with the ladies from Blog Hoppin’.
Most of my creating happens in the summer since that is when I have time. I love to draw and design so some of the stuff in my classroom is done by hand. I know that seems kind of silly and kiddish considering I could make it on the computer, but like I said… I love to draw. I love to color.
I’m like a child.
For example, I chose to draw out this poster. Before I was transferred, my school was a Leader In Me school. So, I wanted a Leader board that matched my sweets theme. Those letters have little sweets in them. Heh.
Here is a little touch that I added to my firsties’ book baskets. Just scrapbook paper, friends!
This past summer, I made a banner out of these cutesy fabrics. Once I saw these adorable fabrics, I knew what I needed my classroom theme to be. Can’t say that I’ve ever been happier with a theme! Sweet treats are adorable, people. Adorable.
This picture has been on the blog a thousand times I think, but here’s more creation!
Lastly… Finally something not related to creating for my classroom. One of my good friends had a Christmas Pinterest Party early this December. We made glittered-out wine glasses, glittered out ornaments, and wood signs. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a picture of the wine glasses or ornaments, but here is a picture of my sign. Love it!
My goal for this year is to do more crafty things, not just for the classroom. When I was in high school, I scrapbooked and I loved it. I would really like to get back into scrapbooking again this year. Hopefully something will inspire me to start up again!
Well, tomorrow is back to school for me. Well, it’s a professional development day. Kids come back on Monday. Can’t say that I’m ready. I’ve been loving these hours I’ve been logging on the couch.
Today, I did create something to use throughout the first week back. It’s a booklet for each student to draw and write about their favorite moments of winter break, Christmas, and New Year’s. It will give my students a chance to share their favorites because I know right when they walk through that door, their talking a mile a minute about everything they did, their favorite gift, etc. and boyohboyohboy, it gets crazy. We will definitely share about our break though and share our writing. If you click the picture, it’ll take you straight to it!
Very crafty. I found you on the TPT forum. I am following you.
Cute! You are so creative!