How To Use Phonics Spiral Review In Your Classroom

Why is phonics spiral review so important? One thing I always struggled with in the classroom was teaching and reteaching our phonics skills. Phonics skills are so important in the early grades and retouching on them, again and again, is so beneficial for our students when learning to read. Spiral review means that we are giving our students the chance to master their content throughout the year. Imagine learning something once and that was it. Do you think you would remember that in a month? Probably not. That is why I am so passionate about adding a spiral review to all content areas.
So, here’s 6 things you need to know about our brand new phonics spiral review.
Phonics Spiral Review #1. Your students will gain confidence

The point of this phonics spiral review is to give students plenty of exposure to phonics skills so that they can gain confidence and build mastery. By using this review, your students will get exposure to new and old content every week. Every week has a brand new phonics skill, but also will have components where they practice old information as well. They also get the chance to see their new skills added to their old skills. For example, if they previously learned the -ck digraph and are currently learning the ch- digraph, they may practice writing the word chick. Skills are not isolated, but rather flow together for students to learn to read and write these words. The graphics are also helpful for students to recognize.
Phonics Spiral Review #2. It builds a routine with weekly organized sections

The phonics spiral review is generally the same activity every week so that you won’t have to explain to students what to do every time. Every day is listed and has a cute, fun title like “Match It Monday” where students match the word to the picture, or “Find It Friday” where students color-code specific skills. The goal is for your students to sit down with their spiral review every day and complete one day on their own with minimal help. Every week progresses throughout the curriculum to challenge students but also offer a review.
The spiral review is meant to take about 5-10 minutes every day, depending on the student. Use it for:
- morning work
- phonics warm-up
- guided reading warm-up
- homework
3. You will have great conversations about what they know
While students are completing their spiral review, this is a great time for you to walk around and have discussions with your students about what they know. Then, once everyone is finished, you can check them together and have students explain how they knew the answer.
4. Weekly Quizzes

The phonics spiral review comes with weekly quizzes too! And guess what? They are also spiraled! Give these quizzes on a Friday after you have completed the entire week of the phonics review so that students have learned and reviewed the skills they’ve been taught throughout the week. In addition to the spiral review, this is a great way for you to see how your students are learning and understanding concepts. This also makes great data for intervention groups, parent-teacher conferences, and report cards.
5. Easy to prep

You’re a teacher so you don’t get a ton of prep time. That’s what makes these spiral review pages so great. You can just print and go! Or if you want to create a booklet, you can print them all at once and staple them or put them into a spiral-bound notebook!
6. Phonics Spiral Review is Digital!

Prefer to do things digitally? Guess what, you can! These spiral review pages and quizzes are preloaded into Google Slides and Seesaw so that you can use them in your classroom however you need to!
Related Post: A Quick Win For Phonics Instruction
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These look great!