We all know how important and essential learning phonics skills is for our younger students. It sets the foundation for their ability to read and figure out unknown words. That is why I love using phonics spiral review!
While it’s important to teach these skills, it’s also important to create an effective routine to actively review these phonics skills throughout the school year. If students aren’t getting the opportunity to use what they learn, then they will lose that skill. I’m going to share with you our phonics spiral review and how it can benefit your students in just five minutes a day!
Why I use a weekly schedule
After trying out lots of different methods, I’ve found that the best way to do phonics spiral review is to have a different theme each week day.

There are two big reasons I love this method. First, since each activity repeats every week, as time goes on my students are able to complete them independently. Second, it saves me time planning new activities. Since the structure is already there, all I have to do is add in the phonics skills we are working on that week!
My phonics spiral review schedule

Here is what a week of phonics activities looks like in my classroom.
Match It Monday:
Students match the word/sound to the picture. By having four different pictures to match and identify, students are able to master those particular skills.
Tag It Tuesday:
Students use the multiple choice format to match the picture to the sound.
Word Wednesday:
Students fill in the missing letters to spell the word.
Think It Through Thursday
Students look at the picture and circle the correct sound.
Find It Friday
Students color in the correct pictures to match the color by code.
The best part of this routine is that it can be done in just 5 minutes a day! It’s long enough for your students to get meaningful practice but short enough that you can easily fit it into your schedule! You can set up these activities as a rotation during word work, use them as a warm up activity for the whole class, or fit them in wherever it makes sense for you class!
You can check out our phonics spiral review here.

Try A Week Of Phonics Spiral Review For Free
Are you ready to try the phonics spiral review? You can grab a week for free! Fill in the form below.
If you’re looking for more ideas on teaching phonics, check out these blog posts:
Phonics Spiral Review: 6 Things You Need To Know
A Phonics Scavenger Hunt: A Quick Win For Phonics Instruction