Hi everyone! Happy Thursday to you all! It’s technically like my Friday today. Summer school was just Monday through Thursday this week. It’s also just Monday through Thursday next week and then you know what? I’m officially finished for the summer and get to enjoy the summer by sleeping past 5:30 thankfully.
I’m pretty bummed though because the kids have passed some germs to me and I have a rather disgusting summer cold and I am not happy about it. My nose is full. My throat hurts. I can’t stop coughing. My voice sounds ugly. Not a happy camper over here.
Anyway, enough complaining about my crummy health because really… I could fill a book with how many times I’ve been sick this year. It’s really quite annoying.
I’m linking up with The Teaching Tribune for their Throwback Thursday today. You all get to see what a precious little babe I was in first grade.
I could resist that last one. I look so pleased. And, talk about some outfits! Yikes!
I’ll never forget my first day of first grade. It was my first day in a new school too. In my hometown, there used to be a kindergarten building and so all the little kinders went to the same place. Then, we were separated to our respective elementary schools. The only thing I truly remember from my first day of first grade was that my real actual teacher was not there. We had a long term sub because my teacher had a baby. I didn’t really understand it all at the time and eventually, my teacher came in with her newborn baby to introduce herself and show us her baby. I loved both teachers I had that year. My actual first grade teacher was tall, young, and loved how every CHIEFS Friday I wore a Chiefs shirt and my Chiefs sunglasses. I thought I was cool. I probably was not, but a girl can dream.
I have no idea what I wanted to be in first grade when I grew up, but in second grade, I wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader who lived in Florida. I don’t know why. I apparently was not that faithful to my KC Chiefs. My first grade teacher would’ve been disappointed. Sometime in high school I realized I wanted to be a teacher. I didn’t go to school for that to begin with. I actually just went to community college to get my gen ed credits, but I really decided by my second semester there. I’m not sure why I ever second guessed myself on it! I think it’s the greatest job ever!
Click on the picture below to find more throwbacks from some amazing teachers!

Love that second picture!! Can I borrow that outfit?! 🙂
-Elyse @ A is for Apples
What a fun post! It is so neat to be given a snapshot of your life (especially the actual snapshot). Oh first grade pictures! –So Chiefs, Cowboys, Royals?