The end of the school year is here! It is definitely one of the busiest times of the school year! I know firsthand how exhausting the end of the school year can be so it is important to find celebration ideas that are fun and easy!
These activities will let you celebrate the end of the year with your class and reflect on the year without adding loads of extra work to your plate. Let’s plan some fun activities to celebrate the end of the school year!
Writing Nice Notes

This is one of my favorite ways to celebrate the end of the school year! It is kind of a twist on yearbook signings, but this is just for your class rather than the whole school or grade level. I love that this is focused on compliments and kindness, rather than well wishes for a great summer.
To prep these pages, open a PowerPoint document (you can also use Word) and type your students’ names at the top. Choose a clear, crisp, and large font that they can color and decorate. For ours, I chose KG Blank Space Solid. When used for personal use, it is free! You can download it here.
Once we are ready to start, students put their papers on their desks and takes out a pencil or pen. They walk around in a circle around the desks and write a compliment on that student’s paper. When we are all done, students have a paper full of compliments to read from their classmates!
Chalk Walk
On a nice, beautiful day take your class outside! Have everyone sit in a circle, but alternate kids facing the inside and outside of the circle. This way, they can’t see what the person next to them is drawing, and also they have more room. Put chalk out around the circle for students to use. Students create a picture. When everyone is finished, your class can walk around to look at the pictures, like a cakewalk.
End Of Year Interviews

A fun way to learn about the upcoming grade level is to interview the kids in that grade level right now! I have done this activity nearly every year I teach and it’s always a hit. Students create questions (or use the ones I created linked below) and ask a class in the next grade level questions.
You can check those out here:
- End Of Year Interviews for Kindergarteners
- End Of Year Interviews for First Graders
- End Of Year Interviews for Second Graders
- End Of Year Interviews for Third Graders
Writing Letters To Future Students
This is another activity I have done every year. I give my students’ letter paper to write a letter to the upcoming first graders (or whatever grade you teach). First, we brainstorm all the fun things we did this year and what they want to make sure the upcoming first graders know. For example, we think of all our field trips, special days, etc.
I try to really stress things that are just for first grade, not school-wide. For example, students usually say Play Day, which is a day the whole school gets to play different games outside. While this is a fun day that they will remember and want to share, it’s something the whole school does regardless of grade.
Using the ideas we collected, each student writes a letter to next year’s students. It is always fun to see what advice they pass along!
I collect the letters and leave them on desks at Back To School Night, along with the information packets. That way, students know what to expect for the school year from a kid who has been there!
Show And Tell
If you’ve been here a while, you know I don’t like Show And Tell. If you do, that’s great! It’s just not my thing! There are two times in the school year when I’ll do Show And Tell. Those two times are the week leading up to Thanksgiving (read about that here) and the last week of school.
For the week leading up to the last day, I assign a day to each student to bring an item that they want to share. That week is normally not full of activities (awards, Play Day, etc) so it’s kind of a slow, but chaotic week with the excitement building up. It helps to have Show And Tell to look forward to and is something special to celebrate the end of the school year.
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