I hate to admit when I’m a slacker, but apparently it is completely necessary. You see, a couple weeks ago, Heather from The Land of I Can nominated me for the Liebster Award. Then, this weekend CaseyJane from Wiggling Scholars nominated me for the Sunshine Award. Then last night, Courtney from Ramona Recommends nominated me for the Liebster Award. Have I done a post? No, I haven’t. I.AM.A.SLACKER. Plain and simple, people. Plain and simple! I must say that I have appreciated them nominating me for these and they sure did make me feel downright special! I’m combining all three into one big, long post. Kudos to you if you make it down to the end, where you find out about my very boring life.
So, on with the show, am I right?
1. Simply Creative in Kentucky
I found Katie on Instagram when she first started her TPT account and she’s just a sweetheart. She does flash freebies that are simply just too good to be true. She’s so creative and is a sweetheart! I always love seeing when she has something new to post!
4. Shelby from First Time Firstie– I found her through a Five For Friday post, I think? Or maybe another linky party, I can’t remember. Either way, it turns out, she works like 20 minutes away from where I live. Crazy town, right? Small. World. Anyway, she is just plain darling. It’s her first year teaching and she posts cute things she does for her classroom and her cute outfits.
5. Teach2Love– I found on TPT. She’s currently hosting a giveaway, which I am a part of 🙂 It ends February 28th, so you should hurry and enter! One of my favorite posts was when she posted about why she loves her job. It’s such a sweet, touching message that I think all of us in the teaching profession can relate to.
Questions from Heather:
Questions from CaseyJane:
1. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas! Hands down.
2. If you were to name your blog something else, what would it be? Originally, I was going to name my blog “Missing Tooth Grins and No Red Ink Pens”, but I realized that was just way too long. I don’t like using red pens. They are ugly and remind me of every single missed point in school.
3. What is your dream retirement job? Oh my, if I could retire and write children’s books, I would be in heaven.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve? When people change their mind at the last minute. I don’t really know if that is the biggest one, but that is definitely a big one.
5. Name the book that changed you. I don’t know if this book particularly changed me, but The Daily 5 definitely changed the way I structure my classroom. I would highly recommend it to any teacher, especially beginning teachers.
6. What is the best concert you have been to? Would you judge me if I said Taylor Swift or N’Sync?
7. When and how did you figure out you wanted to be in education? I think I just always knew, but I really figured it out when I started college and really didn’t have a major- was just taking my gen eds because I didn’t think I knew. I finally figured it out when I was just completely bored with the regular classes.
8. Are you a rule-follower or a rule breaker? Follower. Definitely. Breaking the rules makes me freak out.
9. Do you love or hate the cutest kitty YouTube video? Don’t judge, but I have never watched this! I know what I’m doing after I hit publish!
10. What was the last movie or musical you went to? I think it was Anchorman 2 over Winter Break.
11. What was your most prized possession when you were the same age as the students you teach? Probably all my Barbies. I had hundreds, I tell you. Hundreds.
Questions from Courtney:
1. What do you pack in your lunch for school? Same thing every day- turkey/ham sandwich and applesauce. Granola bar for my afternoon snack.
2. What is your favorite font to use on your teaching materials? Any of the KG fonts. I just love them all.

6. I love doing laundry.
7. My teacher brain is nearly always turned on, I feel.
8. I feel like ever since I started selling on TPT and becoming more familiar with it and all the amazing teachers out there, I have become a much better teacher.
9. I’m a Kansas City native, which means I love everything Kansas City- Kansas City Royals, Sporting KC, Kansas City Chiefs, Oklahoma Joes, bbq in general, the Country Club Plaza, the fountains, etc. I just love Kansas City.
10. I love Ben & Jerry’s Red Velvet Cake ice cream. Ohmyworddelicious.
11. I love the show, Friends. I wish they’d have a reunion. I need it. My best friend and I quote it on a day to day basis. It’s quite sad, but awesome at the same time. We are awesomesauce.
Here are my questions for my nominees:
1. What is your favorite subject to teach?
2. How do you unwind after a long day?
3. If you’ve had a stressful day, what is your guilty pleasure?
4. What is your morning routine? Do you have something specific you do each morning to pump you up for the day?
5. What is your classroom theme (if you have one)? If you don’t have one, what would you dream of your classroom theme?
6. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
7. Who/What inspired you to be a teacher?
8. What are your must-haves in your classroom?
9.What is your favorite book that you’ve read recently? I need some suggestions over here.
10. What’s your favorite show on Netflix? Dexter is almost over. Again, I need suggestions over here for my next obsession.
11. What do you plan to do this summer?
you're awesome, thanks so much!!