I’m so excited to be part of another giveaway! I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about it yet. Teach2Love is having a giveaway over at her blog and it’s amazing people! Just click the pictures below to take you to her post.
Look at all those awesome products! There’s also a giveaway for grades 3-5.
Also, I created a Facebook account for my blog/TPT/teaching life. I’m pretty excited/scared/apprehensive/happy about it all! I’m excited to see all the new people I meet through the process and to see what I post/what I learn, etc. If you are interested in liking my page (and I would LOVE if you would… I only have three so far… Sadface), you can click here.
I hope everyone had a great weekend, especially those of you who had today off too! Tomorrow we have professional development and the kiddies come back Wednesday. And, my BIRTHDAY is on Friday! What, what?! So, there will be a sale in my store that day if you’re interested!
I nominated your blog for the Liebster award. Go check out my post and see what it's all about!