Ahh, rhyming. I love rhyming.
School is cool.
Don’t be a fool; go to school.
Go to school! It’s the rule!
Okay, I hope I can make up better rhymes than that. But hey, you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit.
Anyway, I really do love rhyming. And, kids really really love rhyming. Any time they hear a rhyme, they yell out, politely raise their hand and say, “Hey, that rhymed!”
So, we have a rhyming center now. And not to toot my own horn or anything, but I’ve been told that it’s the best center. That’s right. It beat out the listening center and the computer center, but probably only just for like one kid… But hey that’s okay, because one kid thinks it’s the best center and that’s
A-OKAY in my book. Because I can’t create computers.
Here’s some photos of my kids playing their favorite center ever:
As you can see, it was a little messy for my taste. Cards everywhere. So, insert our rhyming mats! Plus, having the rhyming mats really has helped my kids see what makes the rhyme.
After they rhyme their words, they do their favorite part. They get to pick two rhyming words to make a silly sentence.
There are a few other activities as well. Right now, I have my center organized with the Must Do and Might Do. They must do the silly sentence with two rhyming words, but they might do the ABC sheet when they are finished.
You can pick up our rhyming center here:

What a fun center. I really like the silly sentence activity and totally feel ya on needing that "rhyming mat" to help keep the center organized.
Lattes and Lunchrooms